Our Competencies – TECHNOLOGY 

TECHNOLOGY Competencies

One of the greatest pain points for our clients is technology: the sheer variety of available solutions, understanding how they work and their relative advantages, the manpower needed to deploy, maintain and manage can overwhelm many organizations, leading to inaction and maintaining status quo.

Our technology services are tailored specifically to empower our customers. We assess, analyze, advise and deploy technology that will enhance and modernize your business rapidly.


Robotics Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses software robots to perform routine, repetitive tasks in a fraction of the time with virtually zero errors. IndusSME uses RPA to introduce automation into the organization in a quick and cost-effective manner.  In more mature organizations, we use RPAs to reengineer and automate processes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) combines machine learning with deep learning, neural networks, natural language processing and cognitive computing to create near-human intelligence. IndusSME uses AI-based solutions for technically advanced organizations with massive amounts of structured and unstructured data.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning builds on RPA and introduces algorithms to enable systems to automatically learn and improve, with no or limited supervision. It studies and analyzes data patterns for prediction and decision support. IndusSME uses machine learning to create industry-specific solutions for technically mature organizations that have to process large volumes of structured data in a timely manner.

Big Data and Analytics

Big data refers to very large volumes of structured and unstructured data, from a variety of sources, and often, arising at real-time which exist in organizations. Businesses often grapple with how to store, manage, analyze and convert this data into actionable information. IndusSME offers insightful strategies, tools, implementation and reporting to best exploit and leverage organizational data.

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