Every organization knows that increasing productivity has a positive impact on meeting both internal goals and external results. This is easier said than done! Often, overlapping functions, duplicated efforts, convoluted processes and workflows hamper visibility and accurate measurement of productivity – and, this is especially true in the SME sector.

IndusSME Productivity takes a holistic approach covering operations, technology and security to amplify your company’s productivity at process, functional, project and organization levels.

What we do
  • Ensure a sound foundation where reengineered processes are ably supported by the optimal technology suite while adhering to security requirements
  • Understand, measure and monitor end-to-end processes at project, functional and organization levels
  • Provide productivity measurement tools
  • Create a feedback loop to implement changes
Typical metrics
  • Project time, cost, discount, savings and return on investment (ROI) analyses
  • Pre- and post-project baseline comparison
  • Key tracking and reporting at project, functional and organizational levels
  • Root cause analyses for identified problems at process and sub-process levels
  • Tangible and intangible results evaluation
  • Realize immediate cost and time benefits – typical savings start at 25%*
  • Improve visibility into operations and profitability at micro- and macro- levels
  • Identify areas for cost savings and performance improvement

* Savings can vary depending on client size, industries, services provided.

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